Personal Training & Development
Learn how to properly fuel, move, and recover
For the client with specific goals, limitations, schedule conflicts, OR simply prefers the experience and attention that 1 on 1 coaching brings - this service at LIVE has historically been the most requested. This is in part due to the experience, the education, the empowerment, and the results that are provided through these sessions.
PTD at LIVE includes : Better understanding of the human body and its relationship to exercise, a detailed review of the “Big 5” movement patterns, Inbody Body Composition analysis, proper programming based on client goals, high levels of accountability and motivation, incorporation of foam rolling, stretching, and other recovery methods, and Nutritional Coaching (optional).
At its core - LIVE Training Center is about educating and empowering - and THIS is where much of that occurs.
The values that come from learning how to properly fuel, move, and recover under the leadership of a qualified coach have benefits that transcend just physical fitness. We want to teach you how to LIVE the life that God designed you to live.
Education : NASM CPT, DBC LVL 1,2,& 3, Precision Nutrition, CFSC